i struggle with taking product photos. if you sell online though, your photos have to be good. i take photo after photo... sometimes as many as 20-30 for one product {or whatever i'm blogging about in particular} and in the end, i might like 2-3 pictures {if i'm lucky}.
to practice taking pictures, i decided to join souvenir foto school, hosted by miss b of besotted brand. this is my third time taking the "class" and i love it. the folks participating are so encouraging and creative {and sometimes intimidating, there are some serious photographer aficionados in the class}!
our assignment is to take one picture everyday for the month of february using every letter of the alphabet {not necessarily in order}. in addition to the a-z guideline, you can also choose a theme. since i'm trying to hone my product photo taking skills, i have decided to theme all my pictures around close up shots of print/book/paper related items {i am also challenging myself by staying in order with the alphabet}.
and, since i also struggle with blogging regularly, i've also decided to post the photos that i submit daily to the "class" here, on the blog.
here is my day 1 photo: "A for the letter A. vintage type. literally, the letter A"