workday wednesdays: a little video of my letterpress life

Posted by debbie lee on

i am obsessed with you tube and vimeo.  it tops the cake when the video is about letterpress, typography, anything to do with book arts, or showcases the workspace of a letterpress printer.  i've been dragging with getting a video done, but i finally tidied up a little for some footage to be shot.

vince of stizo media put together the video... {i met vince and his wife 16 years ago in college and we've remained good friends ever since.  geez, i feel old}  vince has ridiculous talent.  he's a graphic designer by trade but has his hands in all aspects of design, from motion graphics, screen printing, to branding/logo design, and the list goes on.  if you follow the blog, you might remember that i printed his "certificate of authenticity" for his hand painted sneaker line {yep, he's a sneaker artisit too.  crazy.}  you can read that post by clicking here.  visit stizo media when you're done watching it and show him some love.

i just realized that this is the most personal i've got on the blog... until yesterday's post, i don't think i've ever posted a photo of myself {not that i'm shy, believe you me... more like i'm private, i guess}.  here's a sneak peek of my little workspace.  ok, i'll shut it already... on with the video.

behind the scenes at penelope's press from penelope's press on Vimeo.

disclaimer: the last scene with the type spelling out "goodbye" was reversed to read properly by stizomedia

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