as always, i have a long list of things to be thankful for. here's just a few that top my list this year:
1. kendall, the newest addition to our family
2. love and support of my family
3. cherished friendships
4. good health
5. and of course, all of you... readers, fans, and customers... for your loyalty, encouragement, and patronage
oh, are those too obvious for you? here are some not so obvious things i'm also thankful for {let's keep it real!}:
1. the internet
2. modern medicine
3. the close proximity of my husband's office {less than 3 miles}, my sister's house {a few houses away}, and my parents {awesome that the grandparents are only a few miles away}
4. western luxuries {running water, heat, air conditioning}
5. technology {my phone, laptop, and macro lens}
whatever it is you're thankful for and to whoever it is you believe in... give thanks! cheers to you and yours this thanksgiving holiday!!!