tradeshow thursdays: nss countdown

Posted by debbie lee on

national stationery stationery show nss contract

diary of a nss newbie, official post #1 {121 days left}

if you aren’t already sick of me mentioning NSS {acronym for the national stationery show} you’re going to get real sick of me come may.  i’m going to try my best to document my nss adventures {to help out any nss virgins thinking of taking the plunge} because this here said trade show is a big deal {“The National Stationery Show® is the world’s most comprehensive collection of social stationery and related products for gift giving and self-expression.” -NSS website}.  when i’m not on mommy duty or printing a current order, every moment going forward is going to be spent thinking about, making lists for, brainstorming for, and stressing about this show.  this is no joke.

here’s a little timeline to bring you up to date:

  • may 2012 – walked the show, talked to exhibitors, snapped a bunch of photos
  • september 2012 – completed online application
  • october 2012- received booth assignment {#1866!!} + contract + submitted deposit
  • fall 2012 – completed tradeshow bootcamp
  • january 2013 – paid remaining balance of booth {yup, going broke already and it’s only january!

i have lists on my computer, my iphone, ipad, on paper of a bazillion things i need to think about and do for this show…

  • booth design?
  • decor?
  • flooring?
  • signage?
  • lighting?
  • product lines?
  • press kit?
  • samples?
  • product photography?
  • line sheets?
  • paper or online catalog?
  • update website?
  • pre-show marketing?
  • mailers?
  • promos + giveaways?
  • drive or fly?
  • leave booth and store in new jersey?
  • accommodations?
  • ????????

wow.  breathe.  i probably shouldn’t be writing this post right before i go to bed.  hmmm.  well, regardless of the stress, i am excited.  follow along as i blog my nss journey!!!

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