i'm married with 3 kids, i live in the burbs, and just a few weeks ago, we deposited our suv for a mini {no, not a mini cooper, a minivan! don't judge. i never thought i'd say this, but minivans are spacious and awesome}. deep down though, i'd like to call myself a city girl. i was born in chicago. went to college in chicago. got married in chicago. bought our first home in chicago. got my first post college job in chicago. so even though i'm 20 some miles away from the big city, i'm a chicago girl at heart.
when i decided to open my little online shop, i knew i wanted to sell a chicago card. this past fall, i asked my sister {my illustrator} to draw me the chicago skyline... here's what she came up with after a few minutes of what she likes to call "doodling"...
then the sketch is re-drawn to scale...
then i take the drawing... scan it at high resolution and upload it to illustrator. that's where i "clean" up the artwork, convert it to vector line art, add font, and prepare the file to send out to the platemaker
for this card, i chose to have a photopolymer plate made. after a few days, the plate arrived and off to printing i go...
since it was winter and the holidays were approaching, i decided to use asterisks to create snowflakes on the card...
only after a few days of being listed in the shop, i received an email form a local store owner, kara. she went on to say that she loved the chicago cards and wanted to know if i do retail. what? do i do retail? i pretty much fell off my chair and died for a little bit! i mean, me with my little printing venture and my sister's sketches that she doodles at her kitchen table! are you kidding me? after several email exchanges, there you go. boxed sets of the "with love... from Chicago" cards have gone retail.
where you ask? magnificent milestones at 472 w. erie {in chicago of course!}... a local paper shop carrying everything paper with big name invitation brands like kate spade, martha stewart, and vera wang as well as little local folks with boxed sets of letterpress printed chicago cards =)